Wednesday, 27 January 2010


My group of friends has a few kind of "traditions" that they (and I) have to adhere to. Probably the most monitored, and most laughed at by people who don't know us is on Boxing day each year (we even had a group of complete strangers video us for youtube one year!).

Locally each year there is a group of people who run into the sea on Christmas day. Unfortunately all of my friend group has better things to be doing on Christmas day. But, strangely we all seem to have Boxing day free each year and so we do it then instead.

This last year, on Boxing day, we jumped into Jules' car and blasted to the local beach. Where there was no parking, so we went to the next beach, where there was some parking. We got out of the car and started to strip off. My Dad and his girlfriend had come to take pictures of us being silly (a habit I feel sure they will get over soon) and then we ran into the sea.

It was really chuffin cold! We have done this for a couple of years now, and this was the coldest by quite a way! It made my feet feel like all my toes were broken (thankfully they were not). And the waves! The waves were immense! And so cold. We could only stay in for about 5 minutes, where we managed almost 35 last year. I hope we last a bit longer next year.

I guess its quite odd how these kind of things get started, I think this happened as a bit of a joke dare that then ended up with the old "I will if you will", and as most people will tell you, when you get that between two men of any age, you know they both will. Just to try and outdo the other. I wonder if that is how all traditions get started....


  1. Yes it was cold and yes the waves were big, but hey people need fun in their lives. If a group of young people throwing themselves into the sea on boxing day, can bring a smile to the drab lives of mr & mrs average. Then more power to their arms, I say!

  2. O yea. Big thanks to my Dad for the pictures on this one!
